I am very happy to congratulate you on making the Journal of Neurointensive Care (JNIC), the official journal of the Korean Neurointensive Care Society.
The creation of the journal was a long-awaited wish of the Korean Neurointensive Care Society. In the meantime, many excellent papers have been published in the society for more than 8 years, but I was very disappointed because there was no space to link to the journal.
In this journal we hope to present more active and advanced treatment and research methods by addressing various problems encountered in the treatment of central nervous system.
The life of a journal is for the participation of its members and for securing readers. It is based on active involvement of members and contribution of articles in order to place the position as representative of the society which focuses on the central nervous system in the world.
I believe that you will be able to submit various papers and opinions to the journal as if they are loving the Korean Neurointensive Care Society and to raise them as a global journal.
I appreciate to the editors of the Publication Committee for preparing the journal, and to the Korean Neurosurgical Society and Foundation for support to make the JNIC.